Students Competition: Results


Throughout the Mobility 4, where our partners from Finland and Tukey took part in the Reflective Workshop in the Kosovo’s capital in Prishtina, students played a major role in the planned activities. 3 groups of students presented their ideas regarding the SMAHPC Centre functionalization and working model. They inspired us to work harder towards our goal.

Thank you for your engagement: Anila Restelica, Altina Muçiqi, Altina Bimbashi, Arlinda Canolli, Dafina Koxha, Diana Markaj, Diellza Grajqevci, Dhurata Kurti, Drenusha Rogova, Ema Gashi, Elfrida Abazi, Festa Bicurri, Gonxhe Aliu, Halime Bici and Vjollca Deshishku for part-taking in this competition, and all the students that actively participated throughout the event.

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